If you want to build a ship,
do not drum up men to gather wood,   give orders and divide the work, but teach them    to yearn for the vast and endless sea.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery
(1900 - 1944, French writer and aviator)


SOS Children's Villages Association
SOS Children's Villages is an international private organisation which campaigns since 1949 for the needs, concerns and rights of children all over the world. Children without the help of their parents or children from difficult situations are in the center of their work in 132 countries.
Our institute supports the SOS Kinderdörfer in Cochabamba-Tiquipaya (Bolivien), Dhaka (Bangladesh), Tirana (Albanien), Awassa (Äthiopien) and Piliyandala (Sri Lanka) with sponsorships.

Cultural Sponsoring
We support young artists and give them the possibility to exhibit their works. In our modern times with all the economical and social challenges art is a very important source of power and new ideas.